Troop 1021 Rules and Policies
Weekly meetings are held in the west wing of the Highland Park Lutheran Church located at 705 Hammond Avenue in San Antonio, EVERY Wednesday evening from 7:00pm - 8:30pm except for the Wednesday immediately following summer camp and the Wednesday between Christmas and New Year's Eve. Unless you are contacted and told otherwise, there will be a meeting every Wednesday evening.
Scouts and adults are expected to arrive on-time. Ideally, we request that you arrive 15 minutes early to allow time for the boys to socialize and get situated beforehand.
Upon entering the church, each attendee must present three pieces of trash or litter removed from the HPLC grounds. They are to then be thrown away in the garbage can inside the door.
Complete uniforms, if owned, are to be worn at every Troop meeting. A notepad, a writing instrument and a Scout Handbook are all considered part of the uniform.
Boys are expected to be in uniform, with shirts buttoned and tucked in before they enter the meeting. If they must change, this should be done in the restroom BEFORE they enter the meeting area. No headphones or non-BSA hats are to be worn in meetings.
Unless prior permission is granted by both the SM/LASM and a church official, no Scout or adult will enter any part of the church facility other than the west wing.
The only entrance/exit to be used is main entrance to the church's west wing - ALWAYS.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Troop 1021 strives to promote an atmosphere of family, brotherhood, diversity and acceptance. All Scouts and Scouters are brothers and the Troop is your Scouting family. Treat every member as such. We are blessed to have Scouts of numerous religions, ethnic background, and physical abilities as members of our Troop. Every youth and adult member of Troop 1021, is expected to support, cultivate, and continue this atmosphere.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Scouts will not, under any circumstance, hit back, push back, throw back, tease back, insult back, etc., instead they are to "step back" to remove themselves from the situation. They are then to immediately report the situation to their Patrol Leader and/or an adult leader. If reported to a Patrol Leader, the Patrol leader is to immediately report it an adult leader.
The Step Back Rule is Troop 1021's most important rule of conduct and it is not to be ignored or taken lightly. A first infraction will result in a warning. A second infraction will result in the offending Scout(s) departure from the activity, and his being barred from attending the next activity. A third infraction will result in a 30 day to permanent suspension from the Troop.
Any Patrol Leader, or witnessing Scout who fails to report such incidences will also be subject to disciplinary action.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
You will respect your adult leaders - they sacrifice time and effort for your benefit. You would not be a Scout without their caring for you and your development.
You will respect other Scouts and their parents - they are your brothers, have your back, and could very well save your life someday.
You will respect Troop property and the property of other Troop members. Only use Troop property for the purpose it was intended. If you lose or break something, please let an adult leader know right away so we can plan for its repair or replacement.
Do not take others' property without their permission, even if you assume they would gladly let you borrow it. Treat their property with respect and return it as soon as you are finished using it.
You will respect all facilities and lands you visit as a Scout, so you may enjoy them in the future, and others may enjoy them as well
You will respect the Highland Park Lutheran Church, its facilities, grounds and members. A Troop without friends is hollow, and a troop without a home is not a troop.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Intials __________
The Scout Law begins with "On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country..." and the Scout Law ends with "A Scout is Reverent." The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to "prepare its Scouts to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
To be a Scout, all boys and registered adult leaders must pledge to live by the rules of the Scout Oath and Law.
Accordingly, all members of Troop 1021 are expected to have a reverent faith in a maker and supreme being. Any boy or adult leader who professes agnostic or athiestic beliefs will be denied membership into the Troop, and will lead to any current member's dismissal from the Troop.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Unless part of a specific planned activity, running is not permitted at any time. This includes weekly meetings, events, field trips and all camping activities. Running in a church is disrespectful. Running in camp is downright dangerous.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Electronic devices such as cell phones, iPads, iPods, game players, etc., are not permitted to be used at events, campouts and summer camp, for any reason. Cell phones may be brought if turned in to an adult leader before departure to that event, to be returned once the event is completed. Phones will be returned during the trip home so that youth may contact parents if needed.
Cameras are welcomed and encouraged at all events,
Cell phones only are allowed during weekly meetings but are expected to remain off unless permission is granted to make a call.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
All boys are expected to arrive at planned departure points on time. Failure to do so may subject that boy to be left behind. Any anticipated lateness should be communicated to an adult leader ahead of time.
All boys should have a water bottle, hat and wristwatch with them at ALL times (a deactivated cell phone does not count as a wristwatch).
Unless at a pool or waterfront, no open-toed shoes are allowed to be worn at any time.
Lights out and wake up times are to complied with. There will be NO TALKING inside tents after lights out.
All boys are expected to proactively help to get any needed tasks, both assigned and unassigned, completed. Inability to help and/or repeated demonstrations of laziness will result in suspension from further Troop activities.
All activity and campsites are to be left as clean, or cleaner, than they were found.
With the exception of "hiking sticks" used for trekking, sticks of any kind are prohibit at Troop 1021 activities.
For a complete list of camping gear and what to bring to either a weekend campout or summer camp, please click here.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
No fire, flames, heaters, matches, are allowed in tents at any times. Lanterns, stoves, fires, etc., are to be kept at least 30 feet from any tent.
Food is not permitted in tents at any time. This includes all drinks (etc.), snacks, etc.
Shoes are not to be worn inside tents.
Tents should be always pitched with a ground cloth beneath them.
No Troop tent pitching by individual Scouts. A minimum of two Scouts must pitch any tent owned by the Troop.
Never use your foot to pound in tent stakes. Always use a tent stake mallet or hammer. Use many small taps to drive in the stakes.
Tent doors and windows must be zipped shut at all times.
No sharp objects (except closed pocket knives (are allowed in tents at any times).
Tents are to be swept out and clean before take-down, and completely dry before packed into their bags. Tent pegs, poles and ground cloths are to be packed into their respective bags and packed into the main tent bag. Any broken, torn or missing tent components are to be brought to an adult leader's attention as soon as possible.
Scouts rank First Class and above may bring their own tent to campouts (except summer camp) as long as they are 2-3 man tents and are in good shape. Scouts will still sleep a minimum of two to a tent.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Only Scouts who have earned, and have in their possession, a Totin' Chip card, may carry or use a knife, saw, hatchet or axe, while camping.
No Scout may possess a knife at any Scouting activity with a blade larger than that of a standard Swiss Army knife.
No fixed-blade, switch-blade, spring-blade, double-edged or stiletto style knives are permitted at any time.
Knives are only to be brought to Troop activities as appropriate.
Knives are to be closed and secured (in pocket or pack) at all times when not in use.
No knife may be thrown at any time.
Improper and improperly used knives will be confiscated.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
No adult (18 years or older), parent, or Troop leader is allowed to be alone with an individual Scout or visiting youth (unless that youth is their child). There must be at least two youth, or two adults, present at all times. This includes driving, camping, hiking, weekly meetings and all other Troop sponsored activities. This policy is not flexible and is for the mutual protection of both youth and adults.
No adult may participate in, attend or visit any Troop function of 72 hours or less duration without proof of valid "on-line" Youth Protection Training (YPT). Please click here to complete on-line YPT.
No adult may participate in, attend or visit any Troop function of more than 72 hours or less duration without proof of valid "in-person" Youth Protection Training (YPT). Please click here to learn more about in-person YPT.
Training must be repeated every 24 months.
No adult (18 years or older) may enter a dressing area, pool changing area, or open-stalled restroom when youth are inside.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Troop 1021 is a "waist-up" uniform troop, meaning no official BSA pants or socks are required. Scouts and adults may opt to wear a full uniform if desired.
Official parts of the Troop 1021 uniform are:
BSA "Class A" uniform shirt with patches properly sewn and up-to-date.
BSA web style or leather belt
BSA hat
T-shirt underneath the Class A shirt
The Scout's "Scout Handbook"
A note-pad and pen or pencil
Scout uniforms are to be worn to EVERY Troop and Scouting activity unless otherwise directed.
The Scout uniform is a symbol of pride and accomplishment and should be treated accordingly at all times. It should be kept clean, and not worn when it is likely to become soiled or torn (when cooking, during physical activities, etc.)
When at an activity and the uniform is not being worn, it should be hung or folded and put away neatly.
Uniforms should always be washed in cold water on gentle. Uniforms should be air dried on a hanger, not dried in a dryer. Please make sure shoulder tabs and other removal items are taken off prior to washing.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Scouts are not allowed to bring their own food to any Scouting event with the exception of a healthy sack lunch to be eaten on the way to camp (sack lunches should NOT include salty snacks, anything sugary, and no drinks other than water).
Troop 1021 Scouts eat healthy when camping. Almost every meal includes fresh fruit, there no sugary snacks, and water, milk and coffee is the extent of our drink selection.
During the Troop's lifetime, we have never run out of food while camping, and a Scout has never gone hungry!
Coffee is a mainstay in camp, and although most Scouts do not partake, it is available to them. If you would prefer your son not drink coffee during campouts, please let us know.
If traveling more than an hour to or from camp, it is common to stop at a McDonald's or Whataburger, etc., on the way. The Troop does not pay for food at these stops; any purchases are the Scout's responsibility.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
No Scout shall be allowed to participate in any Troop campout or traveling activity without first having provided a completed BSA Health Form, Parts A & B, to the Troop. Please see the "Forms & Links" page of this website to obtain a health form.
No Scout will be allowed to attend summer camp without first having provided a completed BSA HealthForm, Parts A, B & C (requires a physical) to the Troop.
Scouts with asthma must bring two (2) inhalers with them to all overnight activities. One will be in possession of the Scout, and the other with the "Troop Medic" at all times.
The Troop Medic will dispense routine medications with the following exceptions:
Any drug that needs to be administered more that twice daily
Applying topical ointments, patches or medicines to any skin surface normally covered by summer clothing (short-sleeved t-shirt and shorts).
Any medicines that need to be administered between the hours of 10:00pm and 7:30am.
There will be no exceptions made.
If your son requires any medications that fall into the exception list above, they must be administered by the Camp Nurse, if one is employed by the camp and on duty when the medications are to be administered. If there is no Camp Nurse on staff, the boy's parent or legal guardian must administer the medication.
If your son has a clinically diagnosed behavioral disorder that requires medication, he must take his medication while on campouts or overnight activities with the Troop, unless an exception is granted by the Troop Scoutmaster.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Younger Scouts sometimes need assistance managing their money. Troop 1021 offers "banking services" during summer camp only. Monies should be submitted to the "Troop Banker" in a zip-lock bag with the Scout's name and "daily allowance" included on an enclosed piece of paper.
A minimum of $50 is recommended per Scout for summer camp; $70 if no traveling sack lunches are taken.
When traveling further than an hour to camp, the Troop will often stop along the way. You may wish to provide your son with a nominal amount of spending money for these possible stops.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
It is our experience that telephone contact with your son during Troop camping activity (particularly summer camp), is distracting and often detrimental to both the boy and the Troop. One of Scouting's goals is to develop a boy's self-reliance and independence. Well-meaning phone calls from home too often promote home-sickness and hinder a young boy's maturation process and enjoyment of camping activities.
You and your son are encouraged to exchange mail during summer camp.
Cell phones are prohibited from all Troop overnight activities including summer camp.
Adult leaders are to be called during camping activities only to coordinate transportation or in case of emergency.
All adult leaders carry cell-phones in case of emergency.
There will be no exceptions made to the telephone contact policy.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
To ensure our Scouts' safety, Troop 1021 employs the buddy system at all times.
Scouts may not leave the immediate campsite, or touring group, for any out-of-sight destination without an accompanying buddy along. This includes departures of short distance or duration such as visits to the restroom, vending machines, etc.
Scouts are reminded that all other Scouts should be with a buddy at all times and plan and act accordingly.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Troop 1021 makes hydration a priority. A water bottle is mandatory at all Troop campouts and field trips. Scouts may not leave camp without a full water bottle and they are reminded to drink frequently.
Troop 1021 is proud to say we have never had a dehydration issue while camping and we are determined to keep it that way!
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Unfortunately, some parents view Scouting as a part-time program, or "just something fun for my boy to do when he's available." If you share these beliefs, our Troop is not for you. Troop 1021's program is a full-time, serious program, with the goal of benefiting your son for the better for the rest of his life, and parents should treat it as such. Troop 1021 is not interested in devoting its time and resources toward part-time Scouts.
Troop 1021 Scouts are expected to maintain a 75% (3 out of every 4) attendance record for both weekly meetings and weekend campouts, and all boys are expected to attend Summer Camp each year.
Upon agreeing to join Troop 1021, you are signifying your agree with, and will support the two immediate above points.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Troop 1021 operates on the belief that "If you're not ten minutes early, you're late."
Being on-time to meetings and events is a necessity. Late arrivals cost the entire Troop time and learning opportunities by causing speakers/leaders to repeat what they missed. Your being late creates an unwanted distraction.
Being late is sign of disrespect to others who were on time, and to the adult leaders who sacrifice their free time to work with the Scouts.
To help Scouts be on time, it is mandatory they wear a wristwatch to ALL activities but weekly meetings.
Learning to be early/on-time is a valuable life skill that Troop 1021 strives to instill in all its Scouts. Classes are failed and jobs are lost when young men are not on time.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Many Scouting activities require pre-paid reservations, weeks, and sometime months in advance, and to ensure a spot for your boy the Troop must make commitments accordingly. These commitments almost always require pre-payment, whether it be for food, fees, transportation, etc.
If a parent OR boy commits to attending any Troop event to which there is a fee, the parent/boy will be charged that fee whether they attend or not. If the SM or Lead ASM is notified prior to the Troop paying the fee for your son, you will not be charged a fee.
Due to past difficulties, a minimum of $75 deposit must be made for summer camp by March 1st of each year irrespective of your son's camp card fund balance. Once summer camp has been completed, the $75 will be refunded. This policy will go into effect with summer camp 2018.
When traveling further than an hour to camp, the Troop will often stop along the way. You may wish to provide your son with a nominal amount of spending money for these possible stops.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Fundraising/Camp Cards
Troop 1021 keeps Scouting extremely affordable for boys and parents by giving them the opportunity to sell Camp Cards with the Troop each year.
Camp Card sales are not only a great way for your boy to earn a lot of money, but is also a great opportunity for him to learn to sell, improve his communication skills and his self-confidence and self-esteem.
Each year, the Troop sells Camp Cards over 8-10 Saturdays in front of Sams Club and/or Walmart. If your boy participates on roughly 2/3 or more of the sale days, he can easily earn enough money to fund 100% of summer camp and the Troop's other major activities for the year. 100% of camp card profits go to the boys and it is typical that a boy will earn anywhere from $100 -$200 per day.
Proceeds from camp card sales cannot be paid out in cash. Funds earned come back to the boys in the form of "camperships'" which are scholarships used to pay for camping activities, and equipment
A Scout's Camp Card funds cannot be converted into cash and are not portable when that boy leaves the Troop for any reason, including disciplinary action.
Boys sell cards as part of a group effort and the proceeds are split among the boys equally, unless a boy does not exert effort. That boy, for that day, may then receive a partial share of the proceeds for that day.
Troop 1021 does not sell popcorn. If you and your son wish to participate in annual council popcorn sales, you are free to do so on an individual basis, independent from the Troop. Please contact the Alamo Area Council to do so.
Troop 1021 is always open to new ways of raising funds. If you have an idea you'd like to submit, please contact an adult leader either at a weekly meeting or through the "Contact" us page of this website.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Camp Cards
Younger Scouts sometimes need assistance managing their money. Troop 1021 offers "banking services" during summer camp only. Monies should be submitted to the "Troop Banker" in a zip-lock bag with the Scout's name and "daily allowance" included on an enclosed piece of paper.
A minimum of $50 is recommended per Scout for summer camp.
When traveling further than an hour to camp, the Troop will often stop along the way. You may wish to provide your son with a nominal amount of spending money for these possible stops.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Avoiding the Use Scouting as a Punishment
Troop 1021 is staffed highly experienced adult leaders who serve as mentors and role models, and have been recognized by the Boy Scouts of American and the Alamo Area Council for their talents and achievement. with quality Quality Mentors.
The more time a youth can spend around quality mentors and role models, the greater the benefit.
Some parents feel that an appropriate punishment for bad behavior is to suspend their son's Scouting activity (not allow them to attend a meeting or campout, etc.) Troop 1021 strongly believes that withholding Scouting activities to punish for a boy for bad behavior, or to "teach him a lesson" is self-defeating. The fact is that those who behave improperly need all the Scouting exposure they can get.
When you do prevent your son from attending an activity (particularly at the last minute), you are not only punishing your son, but you are punishing his Patrol and the entire Troop, as your son has assigned duties and responsibilities that another Scout or adult leader must then fill.
Please avoid using Scouting as a punishment tool if at all possible.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Parental Engagement and Support
The lessons and skills learned through participation in Boy Scouting can be incredibly valuable. Scouting has been shown to greatly improve a boy's life skills and enable a young man to have a higher quality life economically. Many Scouts will even have the opportunity to save a life (often a family member) through the preparedness, first-aid and lifesaving skills they learn while a Scout.
Earning the rank of Eagle Scout is a highly respected achievement in American society. It will stay with your son forever. It will help him obtain employment, it will help him get into college. If he enlists in the military, he will automatically start one rank higher as an Eagle Scout. He will receive additional respect for the rest of his life.
As previously mentioned, Boy Scouting and Troop 1021 does not run a camping club, nor a baby sitting program. We are here to do serious work.
It is expected that parents stay active in, and informed of, their son's Scouting activities, achievements, and rank advancement. If you do not, your are letting your son down. All boys need parental support, encouragement and monitoring when it comes to their Scouting progress. Please stay informed and engaged in your son's Scouting progress.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Priorities and other Activities
It is Troop 1021's belief that church, family, and non-extracurricular school activities all take priority over Scouting.
Troop 1021 is accommodating of boys who are active in school band and/or play either school or club sports. However, given the Troop's schedule and rank requirements for advancement in Scouting, it is very difficult to accommodate more than one "season" of either band or sports, if participation presents a conflict with meeting or campout attendance.
If you foresee your son being involved in an activity that will cause repeated absences, please contact the Troop Scoutmaster to discuss and work out a plan of accommodation.
Mother's Initials __________ Father's Initials __________
Parental Agreement with Troop 1021Rules and Policies
I have read, understand, and will support the above twenty-six Troop 1021 rules and policies.
I pledge to encourage and support my son with his Scouting activity and achievement and will proactively communicate with the adult leaders of Troop 1021 regarding.
I understand the importance of the Scouting program and my son's rank advancement, will encourage and support my son's active participation in meetings, campouts and other Scouting and Troop activities.
I pledge to not use my son's Scouting attendance as a punishment tool if at all possible.
I agree to respond to all Troop communication in a timely manner.
Scout Name(s) _______________________________________________________________
Mother's Name (print)_________________________________________________________
Mother's Signature________________________________ Date______________________
Father's Name (print)_________________________________________________________
Father's Signature_________________________________ Date______________________
Please print out the above Rules and Policies, initial each section, sign and date at the bottom, and turn in to the Scoutmaster or Lead Assistant Scoutmaster. This is required for your son to join Troop 1021. Thank you!